Thursday, March 06, 2008

Ma dernière lettre (My Last Letter)

But I have to hide my feelings
I have to be strong
’Coz I know I have to do this on my own.

I’m sorry I had to let you go my heaven
One day my hurting will end along with the longing
One day I’ll stop crying
One day I’ll have peace of mind
One day I’ll smile again
One day I’ll fall asleep and have sweet dreams
One day I’ll move on
One day I’ll be able to face you and your new love with a smile

’Coz I know someone will take care of you
I just hope she knows how lucky she is to have found you

I’m sorry for being the one to break your heart
I’m sorry for taking you for granted
I’m sorry for not paying attention
I’m sorry for being selfish
I’m sorry for making you cry
I’m sorry for not sharing my past
I’m sorry for not keeping my promise

I pray to God that one day you’ll forgive me for what I’ve done
For I know there are no second chances

Thank you for the care and understanding
Thank you for the lessons (about life)
Thank you for holding my hand when I’m scared
Thank you for the years of love
Thank you for the memories
I will always keep them in my pocket

People around see me as a strong woman
If they only knew that every night
My walls hear pieces of my broken heart crashing on the floor

I miss your smell
I miss your kiss
I miss your smile
I miss your touch
I miss the way you look at me...
Forgive me for holding on

I should’ve listened to you,
Now, I’m more lost because I let you go
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not telling you this to win you back
I just want you to know what I feel inside
And I know you’re happy.

Congratulations and Best Wishes!

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