Thursday, March 13, 2008

- - Rumormongers - -

I hate people who judge others from their mistakes. I hate people that assume they know someone because of rumors told. Hate is a strong word, but it's a fine description of how I feel about “them” that judge me, but don't have any idea of who I am or what I am doing in the present. Some people have a tendency to remember the bad things and never the good. Have you ever heard the saying "When I do good nobody remembers, when I do bad nobody forgets"? I am not proud of my life, I am not happy that some things have to end up this way. I do not regret my choices; it made me become the strong woman that I am now.

I have made it through the worst parts of what life has to offer. Now it's time to enjoy the fruits of what life can give me on the other side of the fence and rid myself of the bad fruits that I allowed to sour my life for so long.

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